Posting/Comment Policy

It is my promise to you that I will always try to be honest and to speak my truth in kindness.  I respectfully ask that you do the same.  I will give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you will do the same.  Sometimes, we will make mistakes and assume the worst or speak in anger.  I aim to do the hard job of apologizing whenever appropriate.  Dissenting ideas are absolutely welcome but should be expressed constructively.  I want this to blog to be a welcoming space for all.  I retain sole discretion over removing comments from the blog.  I am more likely to allow some leeway in comments directed toward me than in comments directed toward other readers or guest bloggers, who are all guests in my blog home.


  1. I love you! I love your blog!

    1. I love you, too, sweet friend! Thank you for being here and for supporting me!
