Is This the Right Blog for You?

Muddled Joy is a space where I can share my thoughts about anything I happen to be thinking about or working through.  Some posts will be topical, others personal.  Some days, posts might make us cry, and other days they might make us think.  Often, I hope, you will murmur, “Yes, that.” or shout, “Me, too!”  

All are welcome.

I am a wife and mother, and sometimes I will write about that.  You are welcome if you are a wife or husband, or if you used to be, or hope to be, or never want to be.  You are welcome if you are a mother or father, by birth or adoption or marriage, whether your children are still on earth or left too soon, if you have experienced the pain of loss, if you Mother or Father but are not a mother or father by biology, if you have no children whether by choice or circumstance.

I am a Christian (Protestant), and I hope my views will always reflect that, whether explicit or implied.  You are welcome regardless of your religious affiliation or lack thereof.

I am politically liberal, and sometimes, this will be apparent in my writing.  You are welcome regardless of your political views.  I hope this will be a place where we will recognize that we have so much more that unites us than divides us.

All are welcome.  But if posts about the joys and struggles of parenting bore you, this blog might not be for you.  If posts written from the perspective of a liberal and Christian aren’t your cup of tea, this might not be the blog for you.  Or maybe there’s something you can’t quite put your finger on about me that rubs you the wrong way.  And that’s all okay.  You’re welcome to hang out and read a few posts and even comment, but it’s fine if you decide to move on.


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